Root Uninstaller Pro Android Utility Application APK

Very quick uninstaller device on individual click on for removing both SYSTEM and REGULAR programs.
For ROOT+NAND revealed devices

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Features(Rooted device):

* Support large screen (ex. tablet) views
* Remove system applications
* Thaw or allow programs (Free test or PRO)
* Recover supported up programs
* Remove for sure system applications
* Cover up my App: release a freezing app and instantly re-freeze on app ending (Pro only, tap on Launch->Freeze option )
* Lock up or eliminate bloatware, stock and regular programs (keep updates)
* Back-up system program .apk to facts (that can re-install later)
* Totally recast programs to fresh set up state

Features(Non-Rooted device):

* Support large screen (ex. tablet) views
* Remove system programs (that you can not uninstall)
* Quick APK record to show all available .APK data files on SDCard
* Handle to clear data, storage cache (manually)
* Fast fill program list
* Show program name, symbol, program name
* Narrow by third-party programs, system programs, programs on facts. backup programs or freezing applications
* Handle .apk files: get rid of, set up, set up as something app (PRO)
* Keep Market referrals and can restore after manufacturer reset/change devices
* Single click on to uninstall a detailed programs (Batch uninstall).

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